Mannie works as a social scientist investigating and consulting to top teams of organisations on their culture and development and change plans. Mannie brings the accumulated scientific experience and wisdom of the Tavistock Institute to bear on organisational dynamics and culture and thereby facilitate leadership groups in taking a fresh look at their strategic direction and performance levels.
In the kind of volatile working environments in which we exist, Mannie helps organisations to be smart and agile, to be in immediate touch with the views and needs of their users and to mobilise the willingness to change, loyalty, inspiration and commitment of their workforce. Mannie works with organisations and communities to go beyond surviving to remain creative, in turbulent times through developing capacities for rapid adaptability, inspired leadership, excellent teamwork and a responsible bottom-up team-focussed approach to design and delivery of products and services.
Mannie addresses the institutionalisation of work process that often stands in opposition to these objectives and it is his task to apply practical theory and high-level change-oriented consultancy to the challenges of complacency, out-dated practices and low-morale teams and turn them into star teams with stellar performance. Mannie co-directs the Tavistock Institute's
Dynamics @ Board Level programme which is based on well-established Tavistock Institute approaches – addressing the unconscious, working with whole-system dynamics of boards and experience-based learning. He is an executive coach working with individuals, but always having in mind that they are part of larger systems, i.e. their organisation, community and society.